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EiFEL-Silphie - Establishment of an innovative fiber and energy production in agriculture with the “cup plant”


Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Verkehr, Landwirtschaft und Weinbau

Federal State



Stiftsstraße 9
55116 Mainz

Website: External link to the authority

Project Title

EiFEL-Silphie - Establishment of an innovative fiber and energy production in agriculture with the “cup plant”

Project description

A two-stage biorefinery of the fiber plant Silphium perfoliatum (silphie for short) offers a promising solution to give existing agriculturally operated biogas plants in Rhineland-Palatinate a perspective after the end of the 20-year EEG subsidy of the German renewable energy act.

On the one hand, this requires the conversion of farms to the cultivation of silphie and, on the other hand, the conversion or expansion of existing biogas plants. In addition to the products previously produced in the biogas process, such as electricity, heat and plant nutrients (fermentation substrate), high-quality plant fibers are also obtained for the paper and pulp industry.

The Silphie causes a change from resource-intensive annual plant cultures to an easy-care, deep-rooted, perennial crop with enormous ecological and agro-economic advantages. Through their cultivation, sustainable, bio-based and functional plant fibers are obtained all year round, which can replace raw material imports in this area. The Silphie fiber can be obtained in a comparatively climate-friendly manner and without the use of chemicals and used for paper and packaging materials.

Final report

Results and the Final report will be found here, as soon as the project is completed.

Key words

  • Outdoor horticulture and woody crops (incl. viticulture, olives, fruit, ornamentals)
  • Plant nutrients
  • Soil
  • Energy
  • Biodiversity and nature
  • Landscape/land management
  • Climate change (incl. GHG reduction, adaptation and mitigation, and other air related issues)

Main funding source

Rural development 2014-2020

OG contact information

Jean-Monnet-Str. 12
54343 Föhren

Phone: 004915167025157

Email: philipp.senner@oekobit-biogas.com

Type of OG partners

  • Farmer
  • Advisor
  • Researcher
  • Industry
  • Civil servant

Begin of project


Project status


Total budget applied for in EUR




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