What is EIP-Agri?

EIP-Agri is short for "European Innovation Partnerships for Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability". Its aim is to increase agricultural production while using fewer resources and thereby making it more sustainable.

Agriculture and research are to be better interlinked through EIP in order to bring innovations into practice more quickly. The bottom-up approach helps to achieve this: problems in practical agriculture are worked on jointly by partners from consulting, companies, associations and societies as well as science and research in Operational Groups (OGs).

Funding for innovations in agriculture

The EU supports the projects of the OGs through the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). Whenever several EU countries work together across states, they receive additional support from the "Horizon Europe" program. More information on funding opportunities by the European Commission.

From the idea to the project

The OGs apply to calls of the German federal states with their project ideas. EIP projects deal with current issues of many subject areas, for example:

  • Animal husbandry
  • Crop production
  • Novel agricultural products and value chains
  • Technical and digital applications

Browse Operational Groups from Germany that boost innovation in the German Project Database. Project descriptions are available in English.

Innovation broker, which are represented in the federal states, support the OGs in planning, implementing and handling their project ideas.

The project duration usually is three years. During this time, the project must be processed and the transfer of the results into agricultural practice must also be initiated. The aim is to develop practical solutions and disseminate them widely.

Video: What is EIP-Agri?

How excalcty does EIP-Agri works? Our short film introduces the approach. You can find English subtitles on Youtube.


Working towards agriculture of the future

The brochure summarizes the first funding period of the European Innovation Partnership for Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability (EIP-Agri) in Germany. Since the launch of EIP-Agri in 2014, more than 320 EIP projects have been implemented here.

Participants from EIP projects and "innovation service providers" who support projects have their say in the brochure. Other contributions shed light on how knowledge transfer works and how results can be made permanent.

To the broschure


Dr. Leonie Göbel
0228 68 45 39 98


Last Update: June 2021

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